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Guidelines during Stage 4 Restrictions – Open for Emergency Care

By February 20, 2022January 21st, 2025Health News
Emergency Care

Stage 4 restrictions over the next six weeks allows care to be provided only when it is considered essential. This means if one were not to receive care, it would likely lead to a deterioration in their health and wellbeing.

If you are experiencing significant discomfort, we recommend you attend for care.  If you are uncertain, we suggest you contact our practice on  03 9889 7889 and discuss your situation with Sophie or Mark.

You can travel more than 5km to receive care

The 5km radius applies to exercise and shopping.  You are permitted to travel outside this radius to receive appropriate health care. If needed, we also recommend you use your appointment reminder on your mobile phone as evidence should you be required to give reason for your travel.

Opening Hours

During Stage 4 our hours will be on an ‘as needed’ basis.

Mutual Safety

To support your health and well-being and that of our staff

  • All treatment tables and equipment are completely sanitised between patients
  • Chiropractors will be wearing masks and face shields during consultations

We also ask for your continued support when attending appointments

  • All patients are required to wear masks. If you do not have one, we will provide one for you
  • Use the hand sanitiser at the front and rear doors when you enter the practice
  • Temperature checks will be conducted on entry 
  • Maintain 1.5 metres between other clients and our staff whenever possible
  • Stay home if you are unwell or have been in contact with anyone suspected of having COVID-19.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our practice. Our answering machine will be checked regularly for your calls.

If you currently have an appointment booked, expect a call in the next few days to reschedule.

Just remember while we may look a bit different, we are still smiling underneath our masks.

Wishing you the best of health.

Mark and Sophie