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We are open & able to resume routine Face-to-Face care

By February 22, 2022January 21st, 2025Health News
Face-to-Face care

Hartwell Chiropractic Centre are pleased to report that we are now able to resume routine Face-to-Face care.

People are now permitted to see their allied health practitioners, such as chiropractors, to assist them in whatever their care needs may be.

We would like to thank all our patients for your patience and compliance with our restrictions over the last few months. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we are doing all we can to ensure our practice is a safe place for all. Our cleaning and sanitation procedures are, of course, still in place.

  • All treatment tables and equipment are completely sanitised between patients
  • Chiropractors will be wearing a mask during treatments and consultations

To support us, when attending appointments, we ask that you adhere to the following:

  • All patients are required to wear masks. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you
  • Use the hand sanitiser at the front and rear doors when you enter the practice
  • Temperature checks will be conducted on entry
  • Maintain 1.5 metres between other clients and our staff whenever possible
  • Stay home if you are unwell or have been in contact with anyone suspected of having COVID-19
  • Thank you for your understanding in helping to keep all our patients and staff safe.

Yours in health,

Mark & Sophie