Back pain does not need to be a part of your everyday life.
We at Hartwell Chiropractic Centre, have spent many years helping people manage their back pain.
Every patient is assessed to enable us to provide you with the most suitable care for your needs. We use a variety of techniques to help decrease your pain and improve strength and function within your body.
We utilise soft tissue techniques, manual and low force adjustments as well as tailored exercise programs.
We have a flexion-distraction, traction table that can be used to help manage pain associated with disc bulges and sciatica, arthritis and spinal degeneration, facet syndromes, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis.
Flexion distraction therapy helps to increase the disc height and increases the area around spinal nerves to relieve pressure. It also helps return spinal joints to their normal motion and function.
If you are one of the 4 million Australian’s suffering from back pain, this Spinal Health Week (24-30 May) is a great time to Consider a Chiro.
Call us on 9889-7889 if you would like to talk to one of our Chiro’s or to make an appointment and start taking control of your back pain.
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/chronic-musculoskeletal-conditions/back-problems/contents/what-are-back-problems
- The Basic Science Study Regarding the Application of Flexion Distraction in the Lumbar Spine, 1994-1997, Health Resources & Services Administration, Researchers at National University of Health Sciences and Loyola University were led by Ram Gudavali PhD and A.G.Patwardhan PhD.